This 84-item FFQ is similar to the original FFQ of 93 items used in several studies such as the OBESIGEN Study, based on the follow-up of selected participants of the Valencian Community Nutrition Survey. Moreover, the 84-FFQ was used in the Diet, Health and Anthropometry in University Population Study.


For further information about this questionnaire, send us an e-mail to

Publications related:

1. Vioque J, Weinbrenner T, Castelló A, Asensio L, Garcia de la Hera M. Intake of fruits and vegetables in relation to 10-year weight gain among Spanish adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008;16:664-70

2. Barrios-Vicedo R, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Garcia de la Hera M, González-Palacios S, Valera-Gran D, Checa-Sevilla JF, Gimenez-Monzo D, Vioque J.  Una menor adherencia a la dieta mediterránea se asocia a una peor salud auto-percibida en población Universitaria. Nut Hosp 2014; 31: 785-92.

3. Scholz A, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Garcia de la Hera M, Gimenez-Monzo D, González-Palacios S, Valera-Gran D, Torres-Collado L, Vioque J.  Alcohol consumption and Mediterranean Diet adherence among health science students in Spain: the DiSA-UMH Study.  Gaceta Sanitaria on line
