The Nutritional Epidemiology Group (EPINUT) dis led by Professor Jesús Vioque, an expert on Nutritional Epidemiology trained at Harvard University, and has a multidisciplinary research portfolio with a research staff from different areas of knowledge: Medicine, Statistics; Nutrition; Psychology; Pharmacy; Nursing, etc.

We conduct different lines of research with a common aim: the improvement of knowledge on the relationships between diet and different processes or diseases; mostly chronic degenerative diseases (obesity, cancer, age-related macular degeneration), and also on the effect of certain environmental pollutants on human health.

To this end the EPINUT group has developed a platform and specific software to assess diet in different populations.

There are 4 main lines of research and their applications include:

  • 1) Research on nutritional determinants of health. Projects: EUREYE Study on Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) in a European setting funded by the European Commission Framework V Quality of Life Programme. The Spanish centre received additional funding from “Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria” (national grant FIS:01-1692). The PANESOES Study aims to analyse the effect of diet on several types of cancer, funded by the “Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria” (national grant FIS) and by the Generalitat Valenciana.
  • 2) Research on environmental and genetic factors related to obesity. The main objective is to explore the prevalence of obesity and overweight and the determinant factors. (Projects: FIS 00/0985; FIS 07/0314). Publications: Int J Obesity; Med-Clin; Obesity; Lancet.
  • 3) Research on the effect of environmental pollutants on human health. Infancia y Medio Ambiente Project (INMA Study-CIBERESP). INMA Project is a multicentre and a multipurpose project to assess the effect of environmental pollutants and diet on pregnant women and their children. For more details, please go to link: http://www.proyectoinma.org/
  • 4) Research on gender analysis in health problems related to risky eating behaviour and AIDS. This project is managed by Manuela García de la Hera and its aim is to examine the relationships between healthy behaviours associated with eating behaviour and disorders, and also behaviours related to HIV/AIDS infection.