The Valencian Community Nutrition and Health Survey (VCS) was carried out in 1994 and was the first survey of its kind conducted in the Valencian Community. This study was supported by the Ministry of Public Health, the Health and Consumption Department of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Department of Public Health of the University of Alicante, currently of the Miguel Hernández University.

VCS is an epidemiological cross-sectional study and its aim was to produce statistics on nutrition and health according to age, gender and other variables related to the adult population over 14 years of age resident in the Valencian Community in order to measure and assess their health and nutrition status. The fieldwork was conducted between March and July 1994. Of 2349 initially selected subjects, we were able to gather completed information from a total sample of 1813 (832 men and 981 women).

The main specific objectives of VCS were:

  • To establish measures and proportions accurately for the frequency of food consumption and the energy, macronutrients, vitamins and minerals intake according to age and gender of the population.
  • To collect information about knowledge and beliefs about health and nutrition topics.
  • To obtain anthropometic indexes including the estimate of overweight and obesity prevalence, and other physical explorations such as blood pressure in order to complete the assessment of nutritional status.
  • To gather information about sociodemographic variables.
  • To estimate self-reported health status including the estimate of the prevalence of the main self-reported health problems.
  • To estimate the prevalence of specific habits and lifestyles including physical activity and cigarrete smoking, which could be related to nutritional status and/or dietary intake.
  • To explore the relationships between measured or self-reported health status and nutritional status.

We collected information for the following variables:

  • Dietary Survey Module:
  • Health and Lifestyles Module:
    • Self-report health status and personal pathological background (chronic diseases).
    • Dental health
    • Physical activity
    • Consumption of tobacco and alcohol
    • Consumption of drugs
    • Brief reproductive history (only women)
  • Socio-demographic Module: Personal data, education level, employment status, marital status, economic income and certain family features.
  • Anthropometry Module :
    • Weight
    • Height
    • Brachial circumference.
    • Abdomen/hip circumference.

Publications related to this study:

1.- Book on Valencian Community Nutrition and Health Survey

2.-Quiles Izquierdo J, Vioque J. Validity of notified anthropometric data for determining the prevalence of obesity. Med Clin (Barc). 1996 May 18;106(19):725-9

3.-Quiles J, Vioque J. Prevalence of obesity in the Valencian community. Med Clin (Barc). 1996 Mar 7;110(8):319.

4.-Compañ L, Vioque J, Hernández-Aguado I, Quiles J. Factors associated with the knowledge, treatment, and control of arterial hypertension in an adult population of the community of Valencia. Aten Primaria. 1998 May 15;21(8):527-33.

5.- Compañ Barco L, Vioque J, Quiles J, Hernández-Aguado I, Borrás F. Prevalence and control of arterial hypertension in the adult population of the Valencian community, 1994. Med Clin (Barc). 1998 Mar 14;110(9):328-33.

6.-Vioque J, Quiles J, García M, Guillén M, Ponce E, Muñoz P. Ingesta de ácido fólico y factores asociados en mujeres adultas de 15 a 44 años de la Comunidad Valenciana. Med Clín (Barc) 2000; 114: 414-416.

7.- Alvarez León EE, Vioque J. Weight gain along adult life. Med Clin (Barc). 2001 Jul 7;117(5):172-4.

8.- Vioque J, Torres A, Quiles J. Time spent watching television, sleep duration and obesity in adults living in Valencia, Spain. Int J Obesity 2000; 24: 1683-1688.

9.- Barrios Fontoba JE, Marco Macian A, Quiles J, Vioque J. ¿Es la dieta responsable de las apendicitis agudas?. Revista Española de Pediatría 2004; 60: 117-123.

10.-Ahumada M, Vioque J. Prevalence and risk factors of varicose veins in adults. Med Clin (Barc). 2004 Nov 13;123(17):647-51 1

11.–  Ciprián D, Navarrete-muñoz EM, García De La Hera M, Gimenez-Monzo D, González-Palacios S, Quiles J, Vioque J. Mediterranean and western dietary patterns in adult population of a mediterranean area: a cluster analysis. Nutr Hosp. 2013 Septiembre-Octubre;28(5):1741-1749.
